Of all the exercise tips out there today, the most essential may simply be this: being a couch potato is much more detrimental to a healthy life than simply getting older. The US Department of Health and Human Services recommends that adults exercise for at least 30 minutes a day five days per week. Not only is exercise a key ingredient for losing weight (and of course, proper diet being another), studies have also shown that it offers some additional protection from heart disease and cancer, while also improving brain function. Exercise does this by prompting white blood cells which may clear out abnormal cell growth that could otherwise progress to cancer, as well as the plaques related to heart disease.
We know that exercise at most any level is good for us, but if it's something we've put off for some time, it's a real mistake jumping headlong into any exercise routine. While many of us prefer immediate gratification and it's only human in wanting to look and feel good quickly, we only hurt our chances for success unless we map out a strategy. Some key first steps:
We’re never too old to get off the couch, jump-start a healthy lifestyle and start exercising. Studies have shown that elderly people in their 80s and 90s began building some muscle mass when they started lifting weights! Just imagine what we might do if we start at 50 or 60?